Tuesday, November 25, 2014

In which I Journey to......

One of my passions, although it is quite often unrequited, is traveling. Sadly, in my state of joblessness which follows a state of low paying job, I have suffered from a state of lack of funds. In other words I'm broke! Of course, since I am in this process of New Beginnings and trying to recreate myself (or maybe it is discovering myself, I am not really sure)... I decided to hell with lack of funds! I am going to go spend two weeks in Hawaii!

Okay, so it didn't totally go  like that... actually it kind of did. And you know what? I don't feel bad that I don't feel bad that I spent that money and went. It did sound a bit bratty though... nope, I'm not working, but guess what I'm going to be gone for two weeks in Hawaii!

Now, before you start hating me let me expound a little bit. Over the summer my aunt and uncle relocated to Hawaii. He got a a position as a professor at BYU Hawaii, and so they moved before the school year started. When they got to Hawaii they discovered they would be living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house! With their only son serving a mission for the church, they had room for visitors! After several Facebook posts and family emails inviting anyone to come out and visit them and realizing that round-trip flights were less than $500 I decided "Why not?" After a couple of weeks of going back and forth in my brain, "GO!" "I'm jobless and have a limited amount of money left, I shouldn't..." "GET YOUR TICKET AND GO!" "But, money... I need to be responsible!" "GOOOOO!!!!!" I finally bought my ticket and started dreaming  of Hawaii...

Now, while I love traveling I have always been more of a Europe sort of girl. In my not so extensive travels I have had one trip to the United Kingdom, the majority of the time in England, with a foray into Wales and Scotland. That's about it. Besides the Oregon/San Francisco trip earlier this year, and the almost yearly Utah/Idaho trips, etc. Anyways! Like I said, more of a European, not so much tropical sort of person. Sure the tropics look beautiful, but it has always been Europe that speaks to me. Calls me, demands me to visit and discover it... One day Europe, one day....

This being said, I was still ecstatic to be going to Hawaii, it was a vacation, I got to fly on a plane (I LOOOOVE flying, simply adore it), and perhaps best of all I was spending two weeks with my aunt and uncle who are probably everyone's favorite aunt and uncle on that side of the family. Life was good.

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