"So, with my foray into yoga I have found myself doing more introspection. I wish I had written this down last night when it came to me, but I was so tired I went straight to bed.
I feel like in some ways my issues with my body, i.e. feeling fat, or like I have fat is because my body is holding onto things because I am holding onto things and not letting go. Until I am able to let go of these things I am not sure I will be able to either be where I want to be or feel happy/comfortable with where I am .
Now, I know physical condition is not what life is all about and that there is no right shape, size, etc. It is just that I think for me, these extra pounds are like the physical manifestation of those things that are weighing me down and holding me back from progressing in my life. I feel like once I am able to let go of these things and move past them, I will be able to feel more accepting of myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and I will be lighter in all ways.
I am still not completely sure what it is that I need to let go of, as I feel like I have already let go of everything I need to let go. I feel now, that maybe I have not fully let go of some, even though I have tried.
So, my goal is to find a way to truly let go of these things and move forward with my life."

While I don't know for sure how much I have let go of yet, I do feel that I am on the right path, headed in the right direction.