Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

When we were planning the trip we decided that we were going to England, and we wanted to be able to see as much of it as possible in two short weeks. Besides the trip into Wales for Tintern Abbey, etc. (our cottage was practically on the border of England and Wales), we stayed in England for the first week. We decided for the second week we would go up to Scotland one day and go to Edinburgh Castle. We didn't want to try and do several countries in one trip. So we headed up to visit Edinburgh Castle. After driving around in circles in Edinburgh and getting lost, we decided we wished we had purchased a hop on/hop off bus pass like we did for London. We just got to see Edinburgh Castle and the bits of Edinburgh we saw driving around. Scotland is definitely on my list to spend lots of time in one day, as is England again, Wales, Ireland, etc.

It had been pretty stormy looking and a bit chilly the whole drive up, but mostly cleared up just before we reached Edinburgh.

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